Topcon Positioning Systems
MAGNET Mobile Ag Network
MAGNET Mobile Ag Network
Product Description
Product Description
MAGNET Mobile Ag Network – The connected field and office Improve your productivity with file exchange between desktops and consoles with Horizon software. MAGNET is a web browser-based environment that simplifies the management of construction site and administrative data in the Cloud. MAGNET allows easy transfer between SGIS and Topcon consoles using Horizon software. Description Simplify management by connecting the field and administration MAGNET can be obtained through annual or monthly license subscriptions, and can accept any number of users in a single account. Once the MAGNET Mobile Exchange Ag application is configured, the user can transfer the data files from different vehicles to the Cloud, where it can be accessed from the office or other machines. MAGNET Mobile Ag network file transfer provides simple access to valuable data generated by Topcon precision agriculture solutions.